Thursday, April 12, 2012

Blog Experience (Entry 3)

Before getting assigned this blog project I ate whatever I wanted without any consideration of where it came from or its effect on the environment. I knew VERY little about the food industry and what impact it has on the environment. When Dr. Stasz first introduced the project I was a bit concerned about what I was going to write about. I didn’t think there could be something different written every day for the rest of the semester on food relating to the environment. It seemed impossible to me. I quickly learned that that was an ignorant thought, and it is in fact absolutely possible. There are SO many different aspect of preparing, producing, and shipping food that has a negative impact on our world and ourselves. Now, whenever I am eating, or deciding what to buy at the grocery store I immediately wonder where it has come from and how it has been produced. With just a week of blogging it has already made such an impact on me and my decisions when buying/consuming food.
            Beginning to blog has taught me more than the impact the food industry has on the environment. While being conscience of what I eat is important, teaching others what I have learned is even more important. Through this project I have learned to speak up and take a stand on something I believe in. Before this class, and more specifically this blog, I didn’t understand the fact that I, as an individual, could make a difference. I’ve always been a very passive, shy person and had trouble putting myself out there. I struggled enough with talking in class, so taking a stand on something and sharing it with the world, or even my peers, was out of the question. The thought of me being able to share my views and beliefs and have it make a difference never even crossed my mind. So, naturally, when we were assigned this blog I sort of freaked out. I had never done anything like this before and I didn’t know if I was even capable of it. Blogging is a powerful thing that most people don’t take advantage of. Even if you don’t have the time to create and keep up with a blog of your own, you should at least take the time to follow someone else’s. You can learn an enormous amount of information about almost anything that interests you.
Our “You Are What You Eat” blog has pushed me out of my comfort zone and taught me that I can speak my opinions in the world. There is still so much for me to learn about food impact on the environment, but I am excited to hopefully continue sharing what I learn through blogging or some form of social media. My advice to you would be to find something that interests you and create a blog of your own to share ideas and thoughts on the topic. You'd be surprised at what you can learn from it!

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