Sunday, April 1, 2012

What Is Corn Syrup?

Today, I was relaxing, watching some TV and hanging out before starting my pile of ominous homework, when a commercial flashed across my television. It showed two moms helping out at a little kids party, getting drinks and chit-chatting. One mom questioned the other about giving the kids generic, sugary drinks with high fructose corn syrup rather than a drink with "natural sugars." Generic juice mom laid the facts out. She said that corn syrup is fine! I was a little confused by this. I have always been told that corn syrup was horrible and it should be avoided at all costs. So, I did a little research. I mean, how much do we really know about this gooey stuff? It's made from corn isn't it? This is what I found out from reading an article on Fructose corn syrup is sugar. That's it. It is a man-made sugar and is in everything from ketchup to soda. It is "virtually identical" to table sugar, but like everything else it should be taken in moderation. In an article on, "high fructose corn syrup" is described as just plain old corn sugar. It is made up of fructose and glucose, two simple sugars! So, my inquiry of this is that HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP is really just sugar made from corn. Actually, the CRA (Corn Refiners Association) is petitioning to get "high fructose corn syrup" changed to corn sugar because when customers see it on a label they avoid it like the plague. Plus, it sounds less dangerous and more accurate. In limited amounts, corn sugar is perfectly fine for you!

Here are the links if you want to read more!

1 comment:

  1. i am not sure I buy this argument. For example how many of our current foods actually have corn syrup in them? How much is moderation? I would not blow this off with such reckless abandonment.. I would like to see a lot more research here..
