How our blog has made me different!
Blog Experience (Entry 2)
Blog Experience (Entry 2)
I love to travel and explore along the net, because you learn some pretty cool stuff. Therefore, I am an active participant of the continuously growing online community. Like my classmate Becca, I also have an account on Facebook, Twitter, Stumble upon and YouTube. Multitasking is my middle name. When I am doing homework I usually have five windows open at the same time. How I do it? I don’t even know, I guess is something of our generation. Ironically, I am the least technological person ever. In fact, the transition from a regular PC to a MAC took me almost two years; and I am still learning. Even today every time I have some sort of problem with my computer, I call my 17-year old sister for help. That’s why I relate to Dr. Stasz, our global professor, every time she mentions her struggle with technology.
I’ve read blogs before, but I
never thought about actually having one on my own. To be honest, the first time
I heard about this blogging idea I WAS FREAKING OUT! How was I supposed to
create a blog, when I barely knew how to search for websites and access my
different online accounts; however technology never ceases to amaze me! Google
has applications for creating blogs, documents, you named it; so even for slow
technology learners is simple!
Food is one my favorite things in
the world, so writing about it is not only educating and interesting but also
fun. As cheesy as this may sound, since I was a little girl I dreamt of doing
something that would influence the world in some point. As Becca mentioned
technology is a huge part of our world;
information, videos and pictures can go viral within seconds, just like
the 2012 Kony video. As environmentalist McKibben said we live in a new eaarth,
so it is important to learn how to survive in it.
The “You Are What You Eat” blog, has changed at least my
grocery bag; when I go to the store, I look for products that are locally and
organically made. This not only helps the environment, but boosts up local
products and industries. Recently this global group took Chris Martenson’s
crash course. He pointed out that it is important to first be aware, second to
understand and finally to act. With our blog, we might not change the way
readers’ think but we definitely make them aware and knowledgeable of other
tasty eco-friendly options.
- Andrea
How great is this.. You absolutely can influence the way people eat and think about how they spend their money. Technology spreads the word!! And what better word to spread than how we eat! yeah for you.