Monday, April 23, 2012

Local Food For Local People

          So, I know this topic has been touched on briefly before, but I wanted to share my experience as well! I stumbled upon our local market in Downtown Burlington last week while shopping with my mom. I was so surprised to find it! It was such a cute, hip place and only saw a few fellow students there having a delicious-looking lunch. I wondered why more students were not there and if this place was well know or not. It is an amazing little market selling organic and local foods! I took plenty of pictures to document my visit and to share with all of you!
          The aisle with all of the cleaning products were all eco-friendly and recyclable! There was toilet paper, paper towels, environmentally friendly dish soaps and detergents, tissues, and much more. Most products and the containers in which they come in are mostly (if not all) recyclable! In the frozen foods section, there is an entire section of "Sustainable Farming" products. Fruits, vegetables, ice cream, and cool whip can be found there. Totally awesome. In the meats section, all the meat is from local farms and completely delicious. There was even a section in the market for eco-friendly make-up! I was so happy to find all my favorite foods at this market and at the same time being able to support local farmers by buying them.
           There were seeds people could buy to plant their own organic gardens as well as t-shirts made of local cotton all made in North Carolina. This market is such a wonderful place to buy groceries or have a nice lunch. I am definitely going to be spreading the word about this to EVERYONE! BUY LOCAL.


  1. we should have a class there !!!! it is a cute place and it is perfect for students good snooping

  2. Yes! I think a field trip is an awesome idea!!
