Saturday, April 14, 2012

Saving the World One Plate at a Time

Changing the environment through a food blog is a daunting task, and one that I thought was unattainable. When first hearing about this project I was immediately terrified. What initially popped into my head was there is no way that I can do this.  First off I had no idea how to blog or anything about the blogging world and second I was apprehensive about how a food blog could have any impact on the environment. But was I wrong, although our blog, "You Are Ahat You Eat", isn’t making the major headlines on CNN or MSNB, it is bringing awareness to classmates, families, friends and ourselves.  By making this information avaibale sustainable eating can gain more and more support.
Before making the leap into the blogging world, I knew the basics food and how it effected the environment from taking AP Environmental Science and watching documentaries like Food, Inc. From the moment I watched Food, Inc. I was captivated about how something so simple as choosing to eat foods that are grown close to you can make HUGE difference. This change in eating habits does not only benefit the environment but your body as well. How cool I thought, kill two birds with one stone right? I had that much more incentive to eat locally and sustainable foods because I am a self proclaimed health freak and eating locally was a lot better for my body. After watching Food, Inc. I was on a save the environment high when it came to eating. I even tried to make my whole family eat organic and have a compost pile, but that high only lasted for so long. I eventually feel back into my ways of not consciously watching the foods that I consumed.
Now that I started this blog, my awareness about what food I consume have gone back to what they were when I was on my Food, Inc. kick. Blogging is providing a daily reminder about how small choices when choosing to chow down can make all the difference. So no we aren’t trying to reverse global warming through our blog but we hope it provides incentive to eat right for both yourself and the environment and our effects can slow down the process of global warming and the destryoing of our precious planet.

1 comment:

  1. you are saving the environment by eating locally. I am glad you are blogging away. This is an excellent way for you to connect not just with your classmates but with your family back home. As I said in class, there is no reason to go to argentina for a hamburger when there is a great organic farm down the road. Keep it up this is awesome
